Saturday 26 May 2018

immersed in the ocean

St. Augustine one day was walking on the sea-shore. 
While walking, he was trying to figure out how it can be that the Three are One, and One is Three.

He met a child. 
This child had dug with his hands a little hole in the sand and now was trying to fill the hole with water, one handful at a time.

"What are you doing?", asked the old bishop to the child.
"I'm going to put the sea inside this hole", was the reply, with a face full of confidence.
"You cannot do that! Don't you see that the ocean is vast, far more than the hole you have made?", smiled back Augustine.
"You say I cannot put the ocean in this hole, and you are trying to fit the Trinity into your head?"
With these words, the child, or the angel, disappeared.

We want God to fit our minds, our plans, our ideas, our agendas.
That's idolatry, not faith.

Jesus, instead, sent out the eleven to "baptize" all creatures. To "immerse".
It's not the Trinity that has to enter our mind;
we have to enter the trinity.
Seat at table with him, let him talk to us, serve us, even be eaten by us.
We are invited, not hosts.

Saturday 19 May 2018

fire tongues, tongues for all

Down from above a sound, truly a voice
Tongues of fire came

From outside heard that voice a crowd
And came, to see what had been heard

The most unusual thing in their ears now
Foreigners talking  in their tongues

In their tongues, tongues of fire
Each one hearing what had never been heard

That fires keeps burning up to this day
Up to the remotest patch of land

Wherever there are ears to hear
Wherever there are thirsty souls
Wherever there are hearts catching fire

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