Abramo sale il monte del sacrificio, con un coltello in una mano e il suo cuore nell'altra, il figlio amato il figlio della promessa
Mosè sale il monte dell'alleanza con gli orecchi in stupita attenzione ai comandi di Dio
Elia che fugge per la salvare la pelle sale sul monte e lì ode la voce dello Spirito Consolatore, che lo incoraggia
Gesù sale sul monte a sentire la voce del Padre che lo chiama
Mosè sale il monte dell'alleanza con gli orecchi in stupita attenzione ai comandi di Dio
Elia che fugge per la salvare la pelle sale sul monte e lì ode la voce dello Spirito Consolatore, che lo incoraggia
Gesù sale sul monte a sentire la voce del Padre che lo chiama
solo Pietro, il solito chiacchierone... ha la lingua piena del suo buonsenso e non riesce ad ascoltare...
صعد إبراهيم الجبل وفي يديه سكين وفي الأخر قلبه
صعد موسى جبل العهد وهو منتبه إلى وصايا الله
صعد إيليا جبل وهو هارب من الموت وسمع الروح المعزي وتشجيع من عند الله
يصعد يسوع الجبل ليسمع إلى صوت أبيه المنادي عليه
بطرس وحده يصعد الجبل ولايقدر على السماع لإن فمه مشغول وقلبه بعيد

Abraham climbed the mountain of Moria with a knife in one hand and his own heart in the other, ears open to God's voice
Moses climbed the mount of the covenant with his heart open to listen to God's commands
Elijah took shelter on the mountain and there heard God's spirit of consolation and mercy
Jesus climbs the mountain to listen to his Father, who calls him
Peter... well, the old chatterbox has the mouth too full of his own "common sense" to spare a minute to listen!!
صعد موسى جبل العهد وهو منتبه إلى وصايا الله
صعد إيليا جبل وهو هارب من الموت وسمع الروح المعزي وتشجيع من عند الله
يصعد يسوع الجبل ليسمع إلى صوت أبيه المنادي عليه
بطرس وحده يصعد الجبل ولايقدر على السماع لإن فمه مشغول وقلبه بعيد

Abraham climbed the mountain of Moria with a knife in one hand and his own heart in the other, ears open to God's voice
Moses climbed the mount of the covenant with his heart open to listen to God's commands
Elijah took shelter on the mountain and there heard God's spirit of consolation and mercy
Jesus climbs the mountain to listen to his Father, who calls him
Peter... well, the old chatterbox has the mouth too full of his own "common sense" to spare a minute to listen!!
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